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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Mega Man Battle Network 5 : Team Colonel

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Game Name : Mega Man Battle Network 5 : Team Colonel
System : GameBoy Advance
Date Added : 2005-04-05 18:16:31
Views : 41778

Numberman codes
Go to the numberman machine in Higsby's shop when it is placed there and enter the passwords to get your prize.

Anti Fire * - 73877466
Anti Navi V - 05068930
Anti Sword R - 10386794
Anti Water * - 25465278
Anti Wood * - 10133670
BeatSupport NCP - 79877132
BodyPack NCP - 30112002
Dark Invis * - 68799876
DjangoSP D - 91098051
Full Energy - 90914896
Full Energy - 12118790
HP+400 NCP - 45654128
HP+50 NCP - 31084443
Lock Enemy - 29789661
Mini Energy - 12117890
Noise Storm S - 48958798
Recovery-300 Y - 18746897
SoulTime +1 (Yellow NCP) - 28256341
Spin Blue - 12541883
Spin Green - 78987728
Spin Red - 30356451
Static S - 48958798
TangoSupport NCP - 54288793
Unlocker - 28706568
Untrap - 00798216
BusterPack NCP - 80246758
Unlocker - 64664560
RushSupport NCP - 09609807
Rush Support - 09609807
Custom 2 - 15595587
Gun Del Sol 3 O - 35321321
Unlocker - 73978713
Attack MAX (Yellow NCP) - 63231870
HP +200 (Pink NCP) - 90630807
Custom Bolt 3 G - 07765623
Anti Elec * - 35607360
Shinobi Dash 64892292
HP+400 (Pink NCP) - 03419893
HP+300 (White NCP) - 13926561
Rapid MAX (Pink NCP) - 36695497
HP+500 (White NCP) - 72846472
Charge MAX (White NCP) - 87412146

Save Icons
Save Icons that go on top of the Title Screen for what you have accomplished in your saved game.

Dark Complete - Collect All 12 Dark Chips
Forte's Icon - Beat Forte SP/Forte XX after Beating Lord of Chaos ForteV3 in Nebula Hole Area 6 (Forte SP/XX Comes up as a Random Encounter)
Giga Complete - Collect All 6 Giga Chips
Mega Complete - Collect All 60 Mega Chips
P.A. Complete - Use All 30 Program Advances
Colonel's Icon - Beat Nebula Gray.
Standard Complete - Collect All 180 Standard Chips

Chip codes
Entering a button command will an enhancement to certain chips when used.

All bombs are dropped on one enemy - Gyroman/SP/DS (Hold L+R)
4th slash is added to combo - Z-Saber (Press Left+ B)

Navi Customizer Programs - Compression Codes

To enter these codes, have the desired Navi Customizer Program highlighted in the Navi Customizer screen. Hold the Right (->) button on the D-Pad, then enter the 10 button code (Composed of different combinations of the buttons A, B, L and R) for that NCP to compress it.Once compressed, the Navi Customizer Program's size will be reduced by one block, or square. Only non-textured programs can be compressed (AutoRun cannot be compressed either), and inputting the code again will decompress it.

Compresses AirShoes - BLBABLBBAA
Compresses AttackMAX - LLLRRBARBL
Compresses BatteryMode - AABRABRLLR
Compresses BeatSupport - ABBRAABRBR
Compresses BodyPack - BARABRLRRA
Compresses BugStopper - BABLABRLRB
Compresses BusterPack - LLRARLBLAR
Compresses ChargeMAX - ALAARBRBAR
Compresses Collect - BRALARBAAB
Compresses Custom 1 - AARLBABALB
Compresses Custom 2 - BARLLRALBR
Compresses Dandyism - RRBBRBRBAA
Compresses FirstBarrier - RLABBARALR
Compresses FloatShoes - ALLBRLAAAL
Compresses GigaFolder1 - RRLBLLARBL
Compresses GigaVirus - BBRALBLARR
Compresses HumourSense - ABLARABLRL
Compresses KawarimiMagic - RBBARBRARB
Compresses MegaFolder 1 - BBABBRRLAR
Compresses MegaVirus - AABLARBLAA
Compresses Millionare - RLRARRLLLR
Compresses RapidMAX - RARLLRRABA
Compresses RushSupport - RBLRBRLLRL
Compresses SaitoBatch - ALRABLRALR
Compresses SelfRecovery - RLRLRBBRAB
Compresses Shield - ABARALRBBA
Compresses ShinobiDash - RLLALLBABB
Compresses SuperArmor - RABRALLRBA
Compresses TangoSupport - LBLABLABAL
Compresses I'm Fish - BABALRARAA
Compresses Jungle Land - LRLABLBBLA
Compresses Oil Body - LBRARLABLB
Compresses Reflect - LLRBLLAALB
Compresses UnderShirt - ARBBRLRALA

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